Despite our tendency to shy away from the topic, nearly one quarter of Jesus’ teaching was about money. The truth is that money is morally neutral, but what we do with our money reveals something much deeper — what’s in our hearts (Matthew 6:21). God is the creator and owner of everything, so we are merely stewards of His stuff (1 Chronicles 29:14).

Remnant encourages members and regular attenders to follow the Biblical model of giving cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7) and sacrificially (Psalm 4:5). Contributing financially to the work of the church out of our “firstfruits” is both a renunciation of greed as an idol and an acknowledgement that all we have been given is given to us by God and is to be used for his purposes (Matthew 25:14-30). It is an expression of worship in response to all that God has done in our midst

Your Donation makes a difference

Through your faithful giving, ULR Church is making an external impact across the world, helping more people hear the life-giving message of Jesus.

Make An Impact

The generosity of the people of the church helps create more opportunities for people to experience a life-changing moment with Jesus. There is greater impact we could make together.